Thursday, November 27, 2008

Menu Design.

Here is a menu design from the California Baptist University Design Department.

Photo Composite.

California Baptist University Design Students are tasked in the Photoshop foundation class to do a photo composite where they have to composite three photos. Enjoy.

Type Treatments.

The students of California Baptist University's Design Department are tasked in this project to work within the confines of using type as the logo. One of the aspects of working as a professional is working with smaller budgets. The type treatment is a great way to provide identity solutions without the exploration of the logo bug and more cost to the client.

Logo Design.

The Illustrator foundation class is tasked with a logo project to help them understand the program and make intentional decisions regarding the identity of a company. Enjoy.

Product Desgin.

One of the projects the students of the California Baptist University Design Department are tasked with is to design a product. It is a chance to work within the confines of a preconceived market segment. Enjoy.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Book Covers.

The students from the CBU design department are also tasked with designing a book cover. Enjoy.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Love Well @ CBU

Love Well Campaign @ California Baptist University photographed, designed and produced by students and faculty of the graphic design department design club called DesigNation. Frank Zuniga, Jenny Lee, Enoch Kim, Kayla Adams and Michael Berger among generous others that were part of the creative process.

cbu design brochure

Here is C28/NOTW Founder & CEO Aurelio F. Barreto III. Professor Trever Hoehne photographed him in Corona.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

cbu brochure photography

Professor Trever Hoehne is photographing the cbu design brochure and the images are really painting a picture that is warm and human. They are telling a story of a design department in its infancy but filled to with people who are striving to make a Kingdom Impact. Take a look.