Friday, May 1, 2009

cbudesign. the inside.

We are working on a series of five :45 spots for cbudesign. Here is the first called "The Inside".

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

In His Image Video

We recently put a video together for CBU's "In His Image" week, inspired by Dove.  This video speaks for itself.

In His Image 2009 from Thomas Renck on Vimeo

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Student work.

Here is a project from GDM 302, the statement of faith project that I will use to promote the program soon. The students are tasks to image and type to portray their own faith. Blake Spencer did a great job with this project.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Greg Laurie testimonial for cbudesign

Greg Laurie has given cbudesign a quote about his passion for design with which he shared with his son Christopher who is in Heaven. Chris worked with cbudesign instructors Michael Berger and Trever Hoehne at David Riley Associates. Greg is executive pastor at Harvest Christian Fellowship in Southern California. Here is the quote:

“Design matters.
I have had a passion for art and design as far back as I can remember. It is only second to my passion for preaching the Gospel and teaching the Bible. My son Christopher, who is now in heaven also had those twin passions.

I am excited about this new program at CBU and I hope a new generation of artists will rise up to impact our culture with cutting edge design coupled with the timeless message of Jesus Christ.”

Greg Laurie

Friday, January 16, 2009

Leadership Project.

DesigNation members Jenny Lee, Stephanie Castro and Brad Claypool worked on this project which included posters, banners and chapel video (below). It was made to promote upcoming opportunities for students to take on leader roles in the student population.